Use of Website

1. This Website contents cannot be used for any private purposes. Any modification or reproduction of any content without prior intimation to us in written is offensive and deemed a criminal offence.

2. No images or other content of the website may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part in any form. You MUST NOT download any images and reproduce for any use, including signage, posters, content or any other media form for either personal or commercial use. All images, graphics, text, design elements and all other content represented in the website are the sole property of us.

3. For fair use, the information/content mentioned in some of the design material are collected through various available sources via internet sites, e-books, reference sites, newsletters, blogs, resourceful websites, information and links from Wikipedia, CEOpedia and so forth to extract the right meaning of the contents. Our expertise team has penned them to make it easy for the users to understand. Apart from this, the creative copywriters, creator, designer and illustration team has used own writings, dialogues, descriptions, contents, drawings, diagrams, images, illustrations, characters to connect each message / visual / design series for more meaningful insight. In this context, no claims will be considered (entertained) and we own the rights to them.

4. All photos of sites (indoor or outdoor locations or suggested elements) are used only for reference, either downloaded via internet sources, free mock-ups, readily available sources, personal image and photo bank etc. for depicting designs so as to get an idea/guidance to our users for its visual impact after the display. All data of our customers are intact with us and there is no intention to exploit the data in any form. The sister company and My Visual Shop (MVS) team believes in ethical and fair policy. MVS team has taken utmost care for the same. All the designs / compositions are original and created by us and placed on the photos. In any case, you can write to us.

5. We would like to improve the accuracy of contents we have used from the sources of internet sites. Our motto is to spread the right content and message to our user. We appreciate and welcome your suggestions for any revision or personal opinion. Please write to us in the contact box.

6. If you believe that any material on the Website infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may notify us in writing. We believe in fair policy and required clarification / action will be given / taken immediately.

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